Search for data using filters
Import earthaccess library and search for granules within a data set using spatial and temporal filters. You need to know the short name of the data set which can be found on the data set landing page.
import earthaccess
results = earthaccess.search_data(
short_name = "ATL06",
version = "005",
cloud_hosted = True,
bounding_box = (-10,20,10,50),
temporal = ("2020-02", "2020-03"),
count = 100
Searching for data
Once we have selected our dataset we can search for the data granules using doi, short_name or concept_id. If we are not sure or we don't know how to search for a particular dataset, we can start with the NASA Earthdata Search portal. For a complete list of search parameters we can use visit the extended API documentation.
results = earthaccess.search_data(
bounding_box=(-10, 20, 10, 50),
temporal=("1999-02", "2019-03"),
Now that we have our results we can do multiple things: We can iterate over them to get HTTP (or S3) links, we can download the files to a local folder, or we can open these files and stream their content directly to other libraries e.g. xarray.